Rack Finder
NOTICE: Check hitch depth before purchasing. Your hitch depth must be at least 86mm past the center of the hitch pin hole to be functional.

Recommended Rack
Please input informationLoading this many Road Bikes is possible if able to rotate the road bike handle bars
MTB: Generally VelociRax loading is dependent on bike geometry. Load the rack left to rigth starting with DH -> Enduro -> All Mountain -> XC. If bike geometries are the same, load the rack, largest to smallest, left to right, based on wheelbase
ROAD BIKES: Drop bars on road bikes require more space between bikes. You will want wider spacing for these bikes. You can skip a slot after a road bike or put the road bike on the very right side of the rack. The 5X and 3X are best for multiple road bikes. The 412 rack will not support 2 road bikes next to each other.
EBIKES: Ebikes are heavy. Each individual tire hoop holds up to 55lbs, and the rack will hold up to 230lbs of bike weight. Anything above this weight is not recommended. Similar to wider MTBs, you may want a bit more space for your e-bikes on the rack. USE RUBBER STRAPS to clamp brake levers (this will reduce motion).
FAT BIKES: Each tire hoop holds up to 3" wide tires. Any tires wider than this require our Fat Tire Baskets. Additionally, you will want to think about getting a wider rack to accommodate for the wider wheelbase of the fat bikes.
KIDs BIKES: Each tire basket holds down to 24" size tires. Since most kids grow out of their smaller bikes within a short time, we recommend using some sort of padding in between the fork of the small bike and the tire basket. Otherwise, please consider our Small Tire Baskets. Anything smaller than 20" will most likely not work on our racks due to the short wheelbases of small kids bikes. For more questions about this, please contact us via our support email.
VEHICLE SIZE: The VelociRax 7 can be done, but the rack will be wide compared to car body. DO NOT exceed the hitch capcity of the vehicle.
GARAGE STORAGE: If you would like to consistently use the rack in your garage as bike storage, we recomend that you upsize the rack by one size. More space is always better! Consider taking a look at our Tilt & Pivot Racks for more garage storage solutions.